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Banana Powder

Rich in vitamins and minerals, banana powder offers a concentrated dose of potassium, essential for heart health and regulating blood pressure. It may also contain vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that supports the immune system, and vitamin B6, which aids in energy production and brain function.

Packed with prebiotic fiber, banana powder can promote a healthy gut. This prebiotic fiber acts as a food source for beneficial gut bacteria, fostering a balanced microbiome which can lead to improved digestion, better nutrient absorption, and potentially even a stronger immune system

Green banana powder, made from unripe bananas, is high in resistant starch. This starch slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, which can promote feelings of fullness and potentially aid in weight management efforts

Due to its use of unripe bananas, banana powder may be a suitable option for those managing diabetes. Since the bananas are picked before ripening, their sugar content is lower than ripe bananas.

Because it's easy to digest and a good source of potassium and other vital nutrients, banana powder can be a great addition to baby food for infants over 6 months old.